
Use and sharing of personal information collected

When you enter this website, we may collect your personal information so that we can: sell you the products and services you require; offer you products and services in the future; and assist Lovegrove Focus on Business in providing quality services
We do not and will not rent or sell your personal information.
We will not share any of your personal information withy any third party except:
our third party service providers who owe us duties of confidentiality; and
where we believe it is required: by New Zealand law; to provide you with the products and services you have purchased; to enforce or apply our terms and conditions; or to protect the rights, property or safety of us, our users and others.

Storing information

We store all personal information collected by us on a secure database with controlled access.

Alteration or deletion of personal information

You may, at any stage request that we alter, update or delete your personal information at any stage by email

Personal Information transmitted via the Internet


We do use email as a means of receiving feedback from our customers, and we encourage you to email us with your questions or comments. However, we will immediately remove you form any mailing list upon receiving your request.


We take steps to keep any collected personal information secure and to protect that information form misuse or loss and from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. We protect your information during transmission by using a secure, encrypted system (SSL). Please note however that total security of data transmission over the internet (including by email or through our Web site) cannot be guaranteed. We therefore cannot and do not guarantee or warrant the security of information transmitted over the internet.

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