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Business Brokering

"Helping you find the perfect buyer to ensure business sustainability."

As a business coach, I've seen many owners struggle with the timing and complexities of selling their business. Often, businesses aren't set up well for sale, or owners have unrealistic price expectations. New owners sometimes lack the skills, abilities, or funds to succeed. My goal is to help existing owners avoid these mistakes by identifying the right purchaser who can ensure the business's future success. I also support the team during the transition, ensuring they feel positive and excited about what the new owner will bring.


Contact Mark


Ready for Sale
Over my years as a business coach I recognised that at some point many business owners need to move on from their business to achieve their passion in life - deciding on the right timing of this can be a difficult task. I have also seen owners have difficulty selling due to the business not being set up well for sale, or wanting too much money for the business.

The Right Skills, Abilities and Funds
I have also seen new owners take over businesses when they did not have the right skills, abilities or funds to take on the business and make it successful.

The Right Buyer
My aim is to help existing owners not make these mistakes, so they identify the right purchaser who has the skills, abilities, and funding to ensure the business is sustainable and carries on into the future, building on the work done by the previous owner. I also work with the team to ensure they feel supported during the process, and are excited by what the new owner will bring to the business.




